Born in 1956 in the East Anglian Fens in England, I moved to Nottingham to study for my business degree. In line with the current myth of the time I met, courted, and married a local girl and we have now been married for over 40 years. We still live within 10 miles of Nottingham and have two adult children and have just become grandparents for the fifth time! Following a career in software development and IT management, in 2005 I was forced to give up work to look after both my wife and daughter, both of whom were suffering from, different, life-threatening illnesses. To fill the time and take my mind off of the domestic and financial issues, I eventually turned to my love of both photography and writing. Seven Sisters was the first product of the latter and I have several other projects on the go.
Having initially been commissioned to produce a few book covers, I began to look at doing so on a more commercial basis and BrightlingSpur was born. A great place to look for premade and custom book covers as well as physical products ranging from highly original skins for laptops or even unusual tote bags. See my Redbubble profile for details on how to order these products.