Crastus is given the chance to fight one more battle to bring an end to years of civil war. To win he must besiege the most highly fortified city in the empire. Fabled for its seven fortresses and ingenious water defences it will be a very tough nut to crack. Can the Silver Fox lead the Fighting Fifth legion to victory? Buy on Amazon…

The power of the legions has held the ambitions of the two brothers in check for nearly two years, but it could not last forever. One brother has fled, the other will declare Crastus outlaw, and the Fifth Legion will not stand idly by while it’s revered general is put to death. Now the legions must take sides, and fight a new civil war. Buy on Amazon…

Sentenced to death by impaling for daring to defend the Seven Sisters, only the legions can save him. Forced to take the purple or suffer a painful death, the Emperor Crastus finds himself once more outside the walls of the Seven Sisters at the head of a legion. Must he destroy this beautiful city and its fortresses in order to save the Empire? Buy on Amazon…

All three novels in the trilogy brought together in a single volume for the very first time. A total of over 147,000 words for a single unbelievable price. Follow Crastus as he fights to finally bring lasting peace to the Roman Empire. After years of civil war, can the fighting general and his Fifth Legion bring peace? Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – Book 1 – The Barbarian Cycle

Previously only available as individual e-book short stories, this collection features episodes 1 to 4 of the original series and two bonus episodes previously only available in the print anthology. Follow Hanno as he plots a course through some tricky and dangerous waters. Waters he is unfamiliar with. Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – Book 2 – The Greek Cycle

Previously only available as individual e-book short stories, this collection features episodes 5 to 11 of the original series and a bonus episode previously only available in the print anthology. Hanno’s grandson takes up the challenge of dealing with the Greek city states. Firth, though, is the problem of Sicily. Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – Book 3 – The Macedonian Cycle

Previously only available as individual e-book short stories, this collection features episodes 12 to 15 of the original series and a bonus episode previously only available in the print anthology. Can Hanno’s descendants tame the unpredictable genius of Alexander and in the process bring Persia to its knees? Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – Book 4 – The Roman Cycle

Previously only available as individual e-book short stories, this collection features episodes 16 to 22 of the original series. Over several years the armies of Carthage and Rome have fought each other to bloody stalemate. Can Carthage win the Punic wars and finally tame the Romans? Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – Book 5 – The Germanic Cycle

Previously only available as individual e-book short stories, this collection features episodes 23 to 28 of original series. Having conquered Western and Southern Europe, it is time to look to the warlike tribes to the east of the Rhine. Time for a reckoning with the hordes of barbarians threatening thier borders. Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – Book 6 – The Viking Cycle

Previously only available as individual e-book short stories, this collection features episodes 29 to 32 of the original series. The Carthaginian Empire looks easy pickings for the Vikings of Scandinavia. A clash of cultures in inevitable once the raids begin. It all starts in a tiny monastery on a small island. Buy on Amazon…
Carthaginian Empire – The Complete Series

All six cycles, all 32 episodes, and all 4 bonus episodes brought together in one book for the very first time.
That’s over 153,000 words of action. The whole saga spanning nearly 800 years of a history that might have been. Rome was not the only potential source of greatness in the Mediterranean basin. Just slightly different circumstances could have seen Carthage flourish instead Buy on Amazon…

Lieutenant McAndrew found his posting to Hampstead Heath in charge of a searchlight battery was anything but the soft billet he’d anticipated in the summer of 1942. The battery had had a pretty good war, but for some reason, one of his searchlight crews wasn’t performing to the same standard. They were sloppy and not as quick to react Buy on Amazon…